On Monday, April 2nd, 2018, Moose Mountain Conservation Officers received a TIP call that a calf bull moose had been unlawfully hunted on an oil lease at SW 29-09-04 W2, in Moose Mountain Provincial Park, approximately 14km north of Arcola, SK. Officers located the calf moose at the scene and confirmed that both hindquarters and the back straps had been removed, but the rest of the calf moose was left to waste. It is believed that the animal had been shot in the morning hours of April 2nd, 2018. Some evidence was collected at the scene.

If you have any information, call the toll-free Turn In Poachers Line 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 from a Sasktel cellphone (phone calls only, no text messages). You can also report online at saskatchewan.ca/tip. Remember, you may be eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to a conviction.

