On November 20th, 2019, Moose Mountain Conservation Officers investigated a White-tailed deer that was shot and left to waste 12 kilometers North of Wawota. Officers determined the buck was shot at least twice. The season was open for White-tailed deer but it is illegal to leave edible meat to waste. Some evidence was collected at the scene. The officers are investigating numerous large bucks like this that were shot and left in the area. Do you have any information that may help identify the shooter(s)?

If you have any information, call the toll-free Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Turn In Poachers & Polluters Line 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 from a Sasktel cellphone (phone calls only, no text messages). You can also report online at saskatchewan.ca/tipp. Remember, you can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward if your information leads to a conviction.
